Everything You Need to Know About Property Tax Protests in Texas

Everything You Need to Know About Property Tax Protests in Texas

Published | Posted by Robert Foradory

Everything You Need to Know About Property Tax Protests in Texas

Everything You Need to Know About Property Tax Protests in Texas

Are you a homeowner in Texas feeling the pinch of rising property taxes? You're not alone! Many residents across Travis County, Williamson County, Caldwell County, Bastrop County, and Hays County are experiencing the same dilemma. But fear not, because there's a way to challenge those daunting property tax appraisals – through a property tax protest!

What is a Property Tax Protest?

A property tax protest is your opportunity to dispute the appraised value of your property, which directly affects how much you pay in property taxes. If you believe that your property appraisal is too high, you have the right to challenge it.

What if I Disagree with My Property Tax Appraisal?

If you disagree with your property tax appraisal, you can file a protest to challenge it. This process allows you to present evidence and arguments to support your claim that the appraisal is inaccurate.

How Will I Know If My Appraisal Value Has Increased?

You'll receive a notice from your county's appraisal district informing you of any changes to your property's appraisal value. This notice typically arrives in the mail before the deadline to file a protest.

What is an ARB?

ARB stands for Appraisal Review Board. This is the independent panel responsible for hearing property tax protests and making decisions based on the evidence presented.

What Can I Protest?

You can protest the appraised value of your property if you believe it is too high. You can also protest if you believe the appraisal was based on inaccurate information.

What Form Do I Need to Use to Protest the Appraised Value?

To protest the appraised value of your property, you'll need to fill out a Notice of Protest form provided by your county's appraisal district.

Can I Appoint Someone to Represent Me for My Protest Hearing?

Yes, you can appoint someone to represent you at your protest hearing, such as a appraiser or an attorney. They can present evidence and arguments on your behalf. There are also companies that specialize in protesting property tax. Texas ProTax and Five Stone Tax are examples of specialized companies that can assist with property tax protests. ​

What Happens After I File My Notice of Protest?

After filing your Notice of Protest, you'll receive a hearing date from the Appraisal Review Board. This is when you'll have the opportunity to present your case and evidence.

How Should I Prepare for My Protest Hearing?

To prepare for your protest hearing, gather any evidence that supports your claim, such as recent sales data of comparable properties or documentation of any property damage or issues affecting value.

When Will I Find Out of the ARB’s Decision?

After your protest hearing, the Appraisal Review Board will typically send you a written notice of their decision within a few weeks.

What if I Am Dissatisfied with the ARB’s Decision?

If you're dissatisfied with the ARB's decision, you have the option to appeal further, usually through a binding arbitration or litigation process.

Can I Protest the Appraisal Value If I Lease the Property and Pay the Property Taxes?

Yes, even if you lease the property and pay the property taxes, you still have the right to protest the appraisal value if you believe it is inaccurate.

Property tax protests can be a valuable tool for homeowners in Texas to ensure fair and accurate property valuations. By understanding the process and preparing effectively, you can increase your chances of a successful outcome and potentially lower your property tax burden. So don't wait – take action and protest those property tax appraisals today!

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